Vedha Nidhi Limited

Vedha nidhi limited is a nidhi company that belongs to the non-banking indian finance sector and is recognized under section 406 Of the companies act, 2013.The core business of nidhi company is borrowing and lending money between the members. Nidhi companies are regulated by ministry of corporate affairs. Reserve bank of india is empowered to issue directions to nidhi companies in matters relating to their entire activities. Nidhis have many features which make them stand distinctly apart from other non banking financial institutions who are working under the guidelines of rbi.


The object of the company is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift,saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its members only by receiving long and short term deposits by way of savings,recurring and fixed deposits and lending loans to them as are allowed by law for nidhi or mutual benefits companies.


Vedha nidhi is presenting a pleasant way which will help human being to lead the life comfortably,in a word we can say that vedha nidhi is the "New way of your savings"

Secure Journey

Vedha nidhi limited right from the beginning has been following the principles of trust and guarantee of fairness and balance which remain the cause of our goodwill.